Most Common Real Estate Disputes in India

Most Common Real Estate Disputes in India

Most Common Real Estate Disputes in India

Real estate disputes in India can arise due to various reasons and can involve both residential and commercial properties. Disputes related to property ownership and title are quite common. This can include cases where multiple parties claim ownership, disputes over inheritance, fraudulent transfers, or incorrect property records. Legal recourse includes filing a suit for declaration of title, seeking injunctions, or initiating a partition suit. Disputes over real estate ownership are quite common. Disputes can occur when one party fails to fulfill the terms of a real estate agreement.

List of Real Estate Disputes in India?

Delayed Possession or Non-Delivery: 

Buyers often face issues when developers fail to deliver possession of the property within the agreed-upon timeframe. Legal actions can include filing a complaint with the consumer forum, seeking a refund or compensation, or initiating a specific performance suit.

Defective Construction or Building Quality: 

Cases, where properties have construction defects, poor workmanship, or substandard building quality, can lead to disputes. Legal remedies such as approaching consumer forums, seeking compensation for repairs or damages, or filing a suit for breach of contract.

Rental Disputes: 

Conflicts between landlords and tenants can arise over issues such as rent increases, maintenance responsibilities, eviction notices, or non-payment of rent. Both parties can approach the appropriate Rent Control Authority or initiate civil suits for eviction, recovery of rent, or breach of tenancy agreements.

Encroachment and Boundary Disputes: 

Disputes may arise when there are encroachments on a properties or conflicts regarding the exact boundaries of a property. Legal actions can involve filing a suit for the removal of encroachments, seeking injunctions, or initiating partition suits.

Fraud and Misrepresentation:

Cases of fraudulent practices, misrepresentation of property details, or misleading advertisements can lead to disputes. Legal options such as filing complaints with consumer forums, initiating criminal proceedings, or filing a suit for compensation and damages.

Disputes with common Real Estate Agents or Brokers: Disputes between buyers/sellers and real estate agents can occur over issues such as commission payments, non-disclosure of property details, or failure to fulfill contractual obligations. Legal actions can include filing complaints with real estate regulatory authorities or initiating civil suits for breach of contract.   For more details, contact us.
