welcome to VS Builders & promotors

Looking to buy property, but feeling overwhelmed by the process?

Let us guide you through the journey with ease. With 10 years of experience in asset acquisition, we can help you purchase the perfect apartment, land, villa or commercial property. Don’t let the stress of buying property hold you back – trust VS Promoters to make the process hassle-free

We offer a diverse selection of prime land properties, carefully chosen to showcase the best available options. Whether you’re looking for a residential lot, a commercial space, or an investment opportunity, we have the perfect land waiting for you

Who We Are:

Our team is committed to providing exceptional customer service and personalized attention throughout your land buying journey. We take pride in our ability to identify prime locations, curate exceptional offerings, and deliver a seamless buying experience. With a strong foundation built on trust, integrity, and innovation, we have consistently exceeded expectations and set new benchmarks in the land sales marke


Our mission is simple: to present you with the finest land options that align with your aspirations. We strive to foster lasting relationships built on trust, transparency, and integrity, ensuring your satisfaction and success in all your land ventures. With VS promoters as your trusted partner, you can confidently embark on this exciting path towards realizing your dreams.


Our vision at VS Builders & Promoters is clear – we aim to become the premier destination for property sales. We strive to be recognized for our unparalleled expertise, innovative approach, and unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction. Our primary focus is on delivering exceptional value and empowering our clients to create legacies and shape their own futures through land ownership

Your Trusted Partner in Land Sales

At VS Builders & Promoters, we believe that land is not just a piece of property; it represents an opportunity and a canvas on which dreams are brought to life. Let us be your trusted partner, guiding you every step of the way as you embark on this exciting path to realizing your vision


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Dollie Horton

President & CEO

Dollie Horton


Dollie Horton


Dollie Horton

Marketing Director

Dollie Horton

Project manager

Tom Sanders

Commercial Operations Director

Dollie Horton

Head of Sales

Offices Location

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Visit our office at

2005 Stokes Isle Apt. 896, Venaville, New York

HomeID is an estate agency that helps people live in more thoughtful and beautiful ways.

Our home is at the heart of the design, allowing us to engage with our community through talks and events, and uphold our company culture with film screenings, yoga classes and team lunches.
