Buyer Guides

Recent Changes in Real Estate Law in TamilNadu.

Recent Changes in Real Estate Law in TamilNadu.

Here’s a breakdown of recent changes in Tamil Nadu’s real estate law: Tamil Nadu Apartment Ownership Act, 2022 (TNOA 2022): Replaces the TNOA 1994: This new Act aims to address limitations of the previous legislation and better regulate apartment complexes. Key Changes: Single Association: Only one association can be formed for an entire project, ensuring […]

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A Guide to Landlord-Tenant Law in TamilNadu.

A Guide to Landlord-Tenant Law in TamilNadu.

Tenant law outlines the rights and responsibilities of renters and landlords. It ensures a fair living situation for both parties. Agreements: Leases should be written and registered for all rentals. Landlord Duties: They collect rent, maintain the property (unless excluded in the agreement), and provide a copy of the registered lease and rent receipts. Eviction […]

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Real Estate Fraud: How to Protect Yourself as a Buyer or Seller.

Real Estate Fraud: How to Protect Yourself as a Buyer or Seller.

Real estate transactions involve significant sums, making them a prime target for fraudsters. Here’s how to safeguard yourself as a buyer or seller: Be Wary, Be Thorough: Research Everything: Verify property details through public records and inspections. Don’t rely solely on what the seller or agent says. Licensed Professionals: Work with reputable, licensed real estate […]

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The impact of technology on real estate law.

The impact of technology on real estate law.

Technology is significantly impacting real estate law, transforming how transactions are conducted, properties are managed, and legal services are delivered. Here’s a closer look at some key areas of influence: Transaction Efficiency and Automation: Smart Contracts: Blockchain technology paves the way for smart contracts, self-executing agreements triggered when predetermined conditions are met. This could streamline […]

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Understanding different types of property titles and their implications.

Understanding different types of property titles and their implications.

When buying real estate, understanding the type of property title you’re acquiring is crucial. It determines your ownership rights, control over the property, and potential implications down the line. Here’s a breakdown of some common types of property titles: Sole Ownership: Description: This is the most straightforward title, where one individual holds complete ownership of […]

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Emerging real estate hotspots in Tamil Nadu.

Emerging real estate hotspots in Tamil Nadu.

Tamil Nadu’s real estate market is witnessing growth beyond its established metros like Chennai and Coimbatore. Several emerging cities are attracting potential homebuyers and investors due to various factors like: Infrastructure development: Government initiatives like the Smart Cities Mission and development of industrial corridors are boosting infrastructure in these cities. Economic growth: These cities are […]

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