Tags: Tamil Nadu real estate market

Know about the New Tamil Nadu Land Registration System.

Tamil Nadu has embarked on a journey to modernize its land registration system, aiming for increased efficiency, transparency, and accessibility. Here’s a brief overview of the key aspects: Overview: Integrated Portal: The Comprehensive Land Information Portal (CLIP) acts as a central hub, offering access to diverse land records including rural and urban land details, field […]

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Government housing schemes for low-income families.

Tamil Nadu, like many Indian states, faces a significant housing shortage, particularly impacting low-income families. Tamil Nadu government has implemented various housing schemes to address this issue, aiming to provide affordable and decent housing to low-income families. Let’s analyze the effectiveness of these schemes: Schemes and Initiatives: CM Muthu Kamaal Scheme: Launched in 2017, this […]

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Tamil Nadu property – The legal aspects of due diligence.

Tamil Nadu property – The legal aspects of due diligence.

Purchasing property is a significant investment, and thorough due diligence is crucial in Tamil Nadu to protect your interests and avoid potential legal issues. Here’s a breakdown of key legal aspects you should consider: Title Verification: Title Deeds: Scrutinise the property’s title deeds, including sale deeds, transfer documents, and inheritance papers. For authenticity and proper […]

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The implications of the GST on property in Tamil Nadu.

The implications of the GST on property in Tamil Nadu.

The GST has significantly impacted various aspects of property transactions in Tamil Nadu, bringing both complexities and potential benefits. Here’s a breakdown of the key implications: Applicability of GST: Land: Sale of land itself (without development) is not subject to GST in India, including Tamil Nadu. This remains under the purview of stamp duty and […]

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Commercial vs. Residential Real Estate Investment in Tamil Nadu!

Commercial vs. Residential Real Estate Investment in Tamil Nadu!

Deciding between commercial and residential real estate investment in Tamil Nadu depends on your risk tolerance, financial goals, and desired level of involvement. Here’s a comparison to help you choose: Commercial Real Estate Advantages: Higher Rental Yields: Commercial properties typically generate higher rental returns (8-11%) compared to residential spaces (3-5%). Longer Leases: Leases with commercial […]

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Rental Market Trends and Strategies for Tamil Nadu Investors.

Rental Market Trends and Strategies for Tamil Nadu Investors.

Tamil Nadu’s rental market trends present both challenges and opportunities for investors. Understanding current rental market trends and employing effective strategies can lead to success in this dynamic landscape. Here’s a dive into key points: Market Trends: Rising Demand: Urbanization and a growing middle class are driving significant demand for rental housing, particularly in Chennai, […]

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Land Acquisition Reform Act in Tamil Nadu.

Land Acquisition Reform Act in Tamil Nadu.

The Land Acquisition Reform Act in Tamil Nadu is a crucial piece of legislation governing the process of acquiring land for public purposes within the state. Both landowners and public authorities need to understand its key provisions and impact. Key points of the Act: Purpose: Enables the government to acquire land for public purposes like […]

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Tax Implications of Real Estate Transactions in Tamil Nadu.

Tax Implications of Real Estate Transactions in Tamil Nadu.

Navigating the complexities of real estate transactions in Tamil Nadu involves understanding the associated tax implications. Here’s a breakdown of the key taxes levied and their impact: Stamp Duty: Charged by the state government upon registration of property purchase/sale deeds. Rates vary depending on the type of property (residential/commercial), location, and gender of the buyer […]

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