What is Patta Chitta and what are its types?

What is Patta Chitta and what are its types?

What is Patta Chitta and what are its types?

A patta is a registration document revenue department for a piece of land. A chitta is a document containing the details of the area, such as the extent, owner, etc. of the property. Since 2015, these two documents merging into a single document called Patta Chitta document in Tamil Nadu land records.

In Tamil Nadu, the document that proves the legal title to one’s property is ‘Patta’. The Tamil Nadu Patta Chitta document Land Registry facility has been launching the Tamil Nadu government for the public since the Patta document can download online. This service is provided by the revenue department. The Patta Chitta document also includes information about the owner’s name, tax details, and other relevant records related to the land.

A patta is a registration document revenue department for a piece of land. A chitta is a document containing the details of the area, such as the extent, owner, etc. of the property. Since last year 2015, these two documents have been merged and all the information related to Patta has been made available in one document. Citizens can now view their Chitta Patta, Inclusion Certificates online as well.

Details of different types of Patta Chitta:

  • Natham Patta: This type of patta give to those who do not have their own house in their revenue village.
  • AD Condition Patta: It is the responsibility of the District Adi Dravidian Welfare Tahsildar to divide the surplus land in the village into plots and hand them over to the landless tribals and Adi Dravida people. The license document will bear the photograph of the licensee and the signature of the local authority.
  • Land Allotment Patta: Government will provide free land to ex-servicemen, backward poor people, etc. This calla Land Transfer Patta.
  • DSLR Patta stands for City Land Survey Document.
  • UTR (Updating Data Registry), Manual Patta, 2C Patta, and Composite Patta are other types of Patta.
