Tags: vastu for home

Open floor plan vs. defined spaces: Pros and cons!

Open floor plan vs. defined spaces: Pros and cons!

Choosing between an open floor plan and defined spaces is a critical decision when shaping your living environment. Both open floor plan and defined spaces offer unique advantages and drawbacks, and the ideal choice depends heavily on your lifestyle and family dynamics. Open Floor Plans: Pros: Spaciousness and light: Open layouts create a sense of […]

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Recent Real Estate Trends in Interior Design.

Recent Real Estate Trends in Interior Design.

The world of interior design is constantly evolving, reflecting changing lifestyles, technological advancements, and environmental concerns. Here are some of the hottest trends in interior design shaping real estate in 2024: Recent trends: Biophilic Design: Bringing nature indoors through natural materials, greenery, and organic motifs is all the rage. This trend promotes wellness and creates […]

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Vastu tips for different rooms while building a new house.

Vastu tips for different rooms while building a new house.

When building a new house, incorporating Vastu principles can bring harmony, positivity, and good fortune to your living space. Here are some key vastu tips for different rooms: Main Entrance: Direction: Ideally, the main entrance should face north, east, or northeast. These directions promote positive energy flow. Avoid south, west, or southwest as they may […]

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Explore how Vastu principles for eco-friendly homes.

Explore how Vastu principles for eco-friendly homes.

Building eco-friendly homes that align with the ancient wisdom of Vastu Shastra can be a beautiful and harmonious way to live in balance with nature. Here’s how Vastu principles and eco-friendly homes can be intertwined to create sustainable and healthy living spaces: Harnessing Natural Resources: Sun and Light: Vastu prioritizes south-facing openings for sunlight and […]

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Explain how to design a house plan according to Vastu.

Explain how to design a house plan according to Vastu.

Building a home or designing a house plan that aligns with Vastu Shastra’s principles can bring harmony, balance, and well-being to your life. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you design your house plan according to Vastu: Choose your plot wisely: Direction: Ideally, choose a north-facing plot as it’s considered auspicious and brings positive energy. […]

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Vastu Remedies for Common Home Issues.

Vastu Remedies for Common Home Issues.

Every home faces challenges, and Vastu Shastra provides practical remedies to address common home issues. Here let’s explore actionable Vastu solutions for prevalent problems within homes, offering insights into creating a more balanced and positive living space. Topics Explored: Identifying Vastu Challenges: Guide readers in identifying common issues within their homes that may be attributed […]

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The Impact of Vastu on Property Values

The Impact of Vastu on Property Values

In the realm of real estate, Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian architectural science, plays a significant role in influencing property values. Let’s explore the profound impact of Vastu on the perceived worth of a property and how adherence to its principles can enhance its overall market value. Topics Explored: Vastu’s Influence on Energy Flow: Discuss […]

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